Executive Speechwriting: Corporate, Weddings, Retirement

HungarianBookstore.com Relaunch

We've relaunched -- redesigned -- the Hungarian Bookstore. As such, many of the old links might not work. Here's a few to get you started.

Try a Hungarian Treat — Recipes!

Hungarian Cuisine

Slowly relaunching the HungarianBookstore.com, I've added a page in English and Hungarian on Hungarian cuisine.

Take a look:


Somlói galuska egyszerűen (Hungarian Sponge Cake Recipe)

A piskótához:
6 tojás
6 csapott evőkanál cukor
6 csapott evőkanál liszt
1/4 csomag sütőpor
10 dkg ét tortabevonó
1 csomag csokoládés pudingpor

Először sütök egy piskótát: a tojásokat kettéválasztom, a tojássárgáját a 6 kanál kristálycukorral jó habosra kikavarom, közben a 6 evőkanál lisztet öszekeverem egy kissebb tálban a sütőporral. Ezután felverem a tojásfehérjét, a kikavart tojássárgához öntöm, és körkörös mozdulatokkal összekeverem, majd hozzáadom a sütőporos lisztet, de úgy nem egyszerre, hanem három-négy adagban keverem hozzá. Ezután sütőpapírral bélelt tepsibe öntöm, előmelegített forró sütőbe teszem 3 percre, hogy hirtelen feljöjjön a tészta, és 3 perc után középső fokozatra mérsékelem a sütőt /ez nagyon fontos/.

Ezalatt elkészítem az öntetet: a csokipudingot megfőzöm a csomagoláson leírtak szerint, félreteszem hűlni. Közben gőzfürdőn felolvasztjom a tortabevonót, és a gőzfürdőről levéve hozzákeverem a csokipudingot és egy kevés rumot. Ha túl sűrű, tejet öntünk hozzá.

A kihűlt piskótát kis kockákra vágom, tálkákba teszem, és az elkészített öntettel leöntöm, a tetejére tejszínhabot teszek. Aki szereti, rumos tejbe áztatott mazsolát is szórhat rá.

A piskóta nagyon finom, könnyű, habos lesz, ha így készíted el! Ezt egy cukrász mestertől tanultam, ez a hamis somlói galuska. Ma épp ezt csináltam a családomnak, mert imádják!


Introduce NonHungarians to Hungarian Recipes

Christmas Project

Do you have lots of American or other friends who know you love Hungarian food? Introduce them to your favorites. The best is to let them see, taste and have the recipe so they can make it at home.

Make something tasty. Cookies, tarts, torte, whatever. Take a picture. Post it on Facebook with the recipe in English (you might need to translate). Tag your foodie friends. And bring them samples!

We send and bring desserts to every occassion, and serve Hungarian dishes whenever people come by for dinner.

A great place to post those pictures is on the HungarianBookstore.com Facebook page. Naturally, include a link to this blog in all photos and Wall posts. :)

Jókai Bean Soup (Hungarian: Jókai bableves)

Jókai Bean Soup
(Hungarian: Jókai bableves)
  • 7 oz (200 g) dry beans (pinto)
  • 8 ¾ oz (250 g) smoked pork hock (boned)
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • 1 medium carrot, cut in small cubes
  • 1 medium parsnip, cut in small cubes
  • 1 slice celeriac, cut in small cubes
  • 8 ¾ oz (250 g) smoked sausage
  • ¾ oz (20 g) lard
  • 1 ½ oz (40 g) flour
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • ½ teaspoon paprika
  • white vinegar, to taste
  • ½ - ¾ cup (1-2 dl) sour cream
  • ½ bunch parsley, chopped
Soak the bean in lukewarm water overnight, also soak the hock if necessary to take away salty taste. Begin cooking the beans, the hock, and the bay leaves in 1 ½ quart (1 ½ liters) cold water (usually, the salty taste of smoked hock makes the addition of salt unnecessary).

When the beans and meat are tender, add the cubed vegetables and the sausage, and simmer, adding water to the level where it began (you can tell by the residue line that remains).

After 15 minutes remove the cooked meat and sausage.

Make a lightly browned roux from the lard and flour flavor with onion, garlic and paprika and stir in the soup. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Flavor the soup with a little vinegar and the sour cream and simmer for a short time, about 3 minutes.

Cut the smoked hock into small pieces, slice the sausage and put them in the simmering soup. Sprinkle with parsley.

Note: Nipped pasta (csipetke) will make the soup more substantial. One or 2 tablespoons sour cream on top of the soup will make it even more appetizing.


Hungarian Specialties Cookery Book: Excellent Christmas Gift

Hungarian Specialties Cookery Book
by Nelly De Sacellary, Helen Fodor

This early twentieth-century volume by Sacellary and Fodor aims to acquaint American cooks with Hungarian dishes that can be prepared in their own homes.

Hungarian Specialties Cookery Book


Favorite Hungarian Recipe?

What is your favorite Hungarian recipe?

Floating Island (also called Bird's Milk) (Hungarian: Mádartej) Photo

Floating Island (also called Bird's Milk) (Hungarian: Mádartej)

Floating Island will look like a vanilla pudding with a dollop of meringue on top, and tastes between tapioca pudding and a mild crème brûlée. Served in a wine glass, this simple dish can lift a hot afternoon into a classy occasion.

  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 150 g (5 1/4 oz) confectioner's sugar
  • 1 l (1 quart) milk
  • 1 stick vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon cake flour
Whip the egg whites with 3 tablespoons of sugar until stiff. Boil water in a low casserole-type pot with a wide bottom, and gently add spoon-size whipped egg-white dumplings a few at a time. Turn them over when they have grown and cook for 1-2 minutes. Remove the dumplings with a skimmer, and drain in a strainer.

Mix the egg yolks with 1 dl (1/2 cup) milk, the remaining sugar, and the flour. Put the vanilla in the rest of the milk and bring to a boil, then pour into the egg yolk mixture, stirring all the while. Stirring, cook very slowly without boiling until it thickens. When it coats your spoon, you are ready to go.

Pour into wine glasses or small bowls and chill.

photo: Jennifer Stiller, (c) 2011

Hungarian Christmas and Holiday Recipes

5High Days: Hungarian Christmas Folk Songs
Search this blog for Hungarian Christmas Recipes
(not all Christmas recipes are tagged)

Buy from Amazon: High Days: Hungarian Christmas Folk Songs (just plain fun!)

Somloi Galuska (Sponge Cake) Recipe

Somloi Galuska (Sponge Cake)

3 1/2 oz. raisins soaked in rum
3 1/2 oz. ground walnuts
Whipped cream made from 1 cup heavy cream

Sponge Cake:
6 eggs
6 tbsp. powdered sugar
3 1/2 oz. walnut
1 heaping tbsp. cocoa

Rum Sauce:
1 1/2 cups milk
5 oz. sugar
1 tsp. ground lemon peel
1 tsp. ground orange peel
2 tbsp. rum

Vanilla Cream:
1 1/2 cups milk
1 whole vanilla stick
2 egg yolks
2 oz. powdered sugar
1 tsp. corn starch

Chocolate Syrup:
7 oz.
bitter dark chocolate
2 tbsp. rum

1. To prepare the sponge cake, beat the egg yolks and sugar until stiff, add the flour, then the stiffly beaten egg whites. Combine. Divide the mixture in two. Mix the ground walnuts into one half and the cocoa into the other. Pour the mixes separately into a high baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake in a medium hot oven until ready. (the sponge cake should be done in about 12 minutes. To prevent the cake from collapsing, do not open the oven door.)

2. Boil the milk and the vanilla stick for 5 minutes, remove, add egg yolks , sugar, and the corn starch.

3. To prepare the rum syrup, cook the sugar in 1 cup milk, the lemon and orange peel for 15 minutes, then add rum.

4. Break the sponge cake into smaller pieces and combine. Place one layer of sponge cake in the bottom of a large glass or on a plate, sprinkle with the rum syrup, the ground walnuts, raisins, smooth some of the vanilla cream on top, then repeat the layers again.

Make sure the top layer is sponge cake. Sprinkle the top with cocoa, add whipped cream made from 1 cup heavy cream, and pour the chocolate syrup on top.

Hungarian Gulyas Festival Chicago - July 9-10, 2011

Hungarian Goulash RecipesHungarian Gulyas Festival Chicago


DIG IN TO HUNGARIAN FOOD AND CULTURE! The 4th annual Gulyas Festival JULY 9th and 10th, 2011 Featured at the festival is a large sampling of the Hungarian kitchen which includes the bottomless gulyas pot, home made sausages, mititei, crêpes, kürtőskalács (rolled sweet dough), lángos (elephant ears) homemade pastries, and a lot more! You think you have the best Gulyas recipe-(beef stew cooked over open flames)?! Join the competition in the Gulyas Cook-off! Visit www.gulyasfestival.com for the registration form. In addition, our festival provides a safe and fun children’s area complete with games, face painting, other fun activities to keep the kids entertained, young members from the Norridge United Church of Christ will also be there to provide interesting traditional cultural activities for children of all ages! Our community extends an invitation for everyone to come join your friends and family and celebrate all things Hungarian with us! If you would like to participate as a contestant in the Gulyas Cook-off please visit www.gulyasfestival.com for the registration form. Also, if you would like to be an exhibitor at the 2 day event, please complete the registration form and rules and regulations, which can also be found at www.gulyasfestival.com **More information will be provided as we get closer to the event**

The Festival is held on the grounds of
Norridge United Hungarian Church of Christ
8260 W. Foster Ave.
Norridge, IL 60706

Take Off: Creative Writing by Hungarian Students - József Horváth

Why ads? To support this site, of course! Thanks. The catch is, this book is free.
  • Free

  • Available on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

  • Category: Fiction & Literature

  • Published:Apr 12, 2010

  • Publisher: József Horváth

  • Seller: Smashwords

  • Print Length: 39 Pages

  • Language: English
  • Zserbó Szelet Recipe

    Zserbó Szelet Recipe

    kb. 36 szelethez:
    A tésztához:
    35 dkg liszt
    1 tojás
    5 dkg cukor
    20 dkg sütőmargarin
    1 dl tej
    1 dkg élesztő
    csipetnyi sütőpor

    A töltelékhez:

    12 dkg darált dió
    12 dkg cukor
    20 dkg lekvár
    A bevonathoz:
    4 evőkanál kakaó
    4 evőkanál cukor
    5 dkg vaj
    1 evőkanál tojásfehérje

    Az élesztőt langyos tejben egy kockacukorral felfuttatjuk. A lisztet a margarinnal elmorzsoljuk, hozzáöntjük a megkelt élesztőt, a cukrot, a tojást, a csipetnyi sütőport és csipet sót, jól összedolgozzuk. A tésztát 3 egyenlő részre osztjuk. Mindegyik lapot kinyújtjuk egy 35x25 cm nagyságú sütőlemez méretére, de a tészta ne érjen egészen a sütőlap széléig, mert a kelésnél és a sütésnél terjeszkedik. Az alsó lapot megkenjük lekvárral, meghintjük a darált dió és a porcukor keverékének a felével. Ráhelyezzük a másik lapot, azt is hasonlóképpen kenjük meg és töltjük. Erre rátesszük a harmadik lapot úgy, hogy a széleket is betakarjuk vele. A tésztát szobahőmérsékleten egy órán át kelesztjük. A sütőt 180 C-fokra (gázsütő 2. fokozat) előmelegítjük. A tészta tetejét megszurkáljuk, és az előmelegített sütőben, lassan sütjük, míg a teteje egyenletes világospiros lesz (kb. 12-15 perc). A megsült tésztát, ha kihűlt, bevonjuk csokoládémázzal. Ehhez a kakaóport a cukorral és kevés vízzel simára keverjük, és állandóan kevergetve nagyon sűrűre befőzzük. A tűzről levéve beledobjuk a vajat, és addig keverjük, amíg a vaj elolvad. Mielőtt a tésztára öntjük, belekeverjük a tojásfehérjét a már langyosra hűlt mázba, ettől még fényesebbé válik. A tésztára öntjük, elsimítjuk, hagyjuk jól megdermedni. Ehhez néhány órára szükség lesz! Ha kihűlt hosszúkás szeletekre (vagy kis kockákra) vágjuk.

    Munka: kb. 1 óra
    Fogyasztható: kb. 5 óra múlva
    1 adag: 124 kcal kcal

    Hungarian Goulash Recipe

    Hungarian Goulash

    Serves 6

    2 pounds beef chuck roast, cubed
    1 large onion, diced
    1/2 cup ketchup
    2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    2 teaspoons salt
    2 teaspoons Hungarian sweet paprika
    1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
    1 1/4 cups water, divided
    1/4 cup all-purpose flour

    1.Place beef in slow cooker, and cover with onion. In a medium bowl, stir together ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, salt, paprika, mustard, and 1 cup water. Pour mixture over beef and onions.
    2.Cover, and cook on Low for 9 to 10 hours, or until meat is tender.
    3.Mix 1/4 cup water with flour to form a paste, and stir into goulash. Cook on High for 10 to 15 minutes, or until sauce thickens.

    Updated Hungarian Restaurant Listings

    Find more Hungarian restaurants than ever!

    New listings in Ohio, Florida, Washington, California.


    Goulash Soup (Gulyásleves in Hungarian)

    Goulash Soup (Gulyásleves in Hungarian)

    What would a Hungarian recipe blog be without a goulash recipe? There are hundreds of ways of making this, but below is one of the most popular, one which many Hungarian restaurants in the US base their own version.
    • 300g (10 1/2 oz) shank of beef
    • 30g (1 oz) lard
    • 1 large onion, finely chopped
    • 1/2 tsp paprika
    • Salt to taste
    • 1/2 tsp caraway seeds
    • 3 or 4 black peppercorns
    • 1 med. carrot, cut into quarters
    • 1 med. parsnip, cut into quarters
    • 1 or 2 whole sweet paprika peppers
    • 500g (1 lb, 1 1/2 oz) peeled potatoes
    Cube the meat and potatoes into 2cm (3/4 inch) pieces.

    Stew the onion in lard over low heat until golden yellow (not brown).

    Remove the pot from the heat, add the paprika, meat, salt and 1 1/5 liters (1 quart, 3 oz) of water.

    Add the caraway seeds and peppercorns in a tea ball or small bag (for easy removal before serving)

    Return to low heat and simmer.

    After 30 minutes, add the carrots, parsnips and paprika peppers.

    When the meat is nearly tender (around another 30 minutes), add the potatoes.

    When every ingredient is tender, you're ready! You can serve it immediately, or reheat later.

    Learn about goulash.

    Édes falatkák

    Édes falatkák

    • 10 dkg darált háztartási keksz
    • 2 tojásfehérje
    • 200 g Nutella
    • kókuszreszelék
    • kristálycukor
    Elkészítése: A háztartási kekszet összegyúrjuk a Nutellával és a tojásfehérjével. Különböző, érdekes kis formákra gyúrjuk, alakítjuk, meghempergetjük kókuszreszelékben, kristálycukorban, színes cukrocskákkal díszítjük.

    Hungarian Nut Rolls Recipe

    Hungarian Nut Rolls
    1 package active dry yeast
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 cup warm milk
    8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter
    1 egg
    zest of 1 lemon
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    4 cups flour

    Walnut Paste
    4 cups walnuts
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon or cocoa
    2 tablespoons cognac
    1/3 cup hot milk
    1 whole egg, beaten

    Pour 1/3 cup of the warm milk in a small bowl. Sprinkle the yeast and the pinch of sugar over the surface of the milk. Stir to dissolve and let stand at room temperature until foamy, about 10 minutes.

    In a large bowl using a wooden spoon or in the work bowl of a heavy duty electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together the butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg and beat vigorously for 1 minute.

    Beat in the yeast mixture, the remaining 2/3 cup milk, the lemon zest, salt, and 1 cup of the flour. Beat in the remaining flour, 1/2 cup at a time, until a soft dough that just clears the sides of the bowl is formed.

    Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth, about 3 minutes, dusting with flour only 1 tablespoon at a time as needed to prevent sticking. The dough will be very soft but not sticky. Place the dough in a greased deep container. Turn once to coat the top and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise at cool room temperature for 4 to 6 hours, deflating once or twice, or as long as overnight in the refrigerator. Gently deflate the dough.

    Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and divide into 4 equal portions. Form each portion into a thick rectangle, place on loosely floured parchment paper, cover loosely with a clean tea towel, and let rest for 30 minutes.

    To make the filling, combine the walnuts, sugar, and cinnamon in a food processor fitted with the metal blade. Process until finely ground. Combine the cognac and milk and, with the motor running, pour the mixture through the feed tube in a slow, steady stream, processing until a thick, spreadable paste is formed. Using a floured rolling pin on a very lightly floured work surface to minimize sticking, roll or pat out each dough portion into a 13-by-7-inch rectangle about 1/8 inch thick. Spread the surface of each rectangle evenly with one-fourth of the nut paste. Working with one rectangle at a time and starting from a long side, fold over a 2-inch section. Continue to fold the dough in this manner to create a flattish oval (rather than round) long log of dough. Pinch the seams and place the dough, seam side down, on a greased baking sheet, fitting all 4 rolls horizontally on the pan about 2 inches apart. Brush with the egg glaze and prick all over with a fork. Let rest, uncovered, at room temperature about 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 350F. Brush once more with the beaten egg. Place the baking sheet on a rack in the center of the oven and bake 30 to 40 minutes, or until golden and the loaves sound hollow when tapped with your finger. Let rest on the baking sheet 10 minutes. Using a large spatula, transfer the loaves to a cooling rack. Cool completely.

    Search Amazon.com Kitchen/Housewares for rolling pins
    See HungarianBookstore.com

    Hungarian Movies on Amazon